Marie-José Rinaldi-Larribe

Contact Information

Year Joined: 2007


  • Economics and Politics, European and International Topics, Finance
  • Economics & Law

Intellectual Contributions


Other Publications (non refereed - two-page articles): L'Economie Chinoise: Les Mutations, Les Affiches Moniteur, November 2006. Elargissement ou approfondissement? La question des frontieres de l'UE, Les Affiches Moniteur, February 2006. 1.« Plaidoye

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . Other Publications (non refereed - two-page articles): L'Economie Chinoise: Les Mutations, Les Affiches Moniteur, November 2006. Elargissement ou approfondissement? La question des frontieres de l'UE, Les Affiches Moniteur, February 2006. 1.« Plaidoye. Abacus août 24, 2010.

- RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, LIGHTFOOT, W., & ZHAO, Z. (2009). "Does China deserve the market economy status?", Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . - RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, LIGHTFOOT, W., & ZHAO, Z. (2009). "Does China deserve the market economy status?", Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. Abacus 2 2 juin 1, 2009: 110-120.

-RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2008), "Is Convergence in New Member States sufficient for an adoption of the Euro?" European Journal of Comparative Economics, Autumn 2008.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2008), "Is Convergence in New Member States sufficient for an adoption of the Euro?" European Journal of Comparative Economics, Autumn 2008.. Abacus Vol. 5 2 octobre 1, 2008: 269-290.

L'adoption de l'euro par les PECO - Comment s'y préparer?

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . L'adoption de l'euro par les PECO - Comment s'y préparer?. Le Courrier des Pays de l'Est September- 1051 janvier 1, 2005: 11.

Book Chapter

-“Are the new European countries ready to adopt the euro?” in 'Expanded EU: from autonomy to alliance', K. Khovanova Ed., Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, 2008.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -“Are the new European countries ready to adopt the euro?” in 'Expanded EU: from autonomy to alliance', K. Khovanova Ed., Rodopi, Amsterdam, New York, 2008. . Abacus août 23, 2010.


-RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2005, June), "When should the New European members adopt the Euro?", Workshop on Challenges and Implications of EMU Enlargement, Center for European Studies CEUS, WHU Koblenz, Germany.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2005, June), "When should the New European members adopt the Euro?", Workshop on Challenges and Implications of EMU Enlargement, Center for European Studies CEUS, WHU Koblenz, Germany. . Abacus août 23, 2010.

-RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2006, June), “The future of the European Union's frontiers”, Conference on Europe’s democratic challenges - EU solutions?, Trento, Italy.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2006, June), “The future of the European Union's frontiers”, Conference on Europe’s democratic challenges - EU solutions?, Trento, Italy. . Abacus août 23, 2010.

-RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2010, April), “Is the EU’s strategy for dealing with its neighbours efficient?”, The European Union in international affairs, Brussels, Belgium.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ (2010, April), “Is the EU’s strategy for dealing with its neighbours efficient?”, The European Union in international affairs, Brussels, Belgium.. Abacus août 23, 2010.

- SAFA, A., RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, HILMI, N. (2009), Convergence between the business cycles of New European Member States and the “Euro” business cycle, San Francisco, MEEA, pre-ASSA meeting.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . - SAFA, A., RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, HILMI, N. (2009), Convergence between the business cycles of New European Member States and the “Euro” business cycle, San Francisco, MEEA, pre-ASSA meeting.. Abacus Vol. 11 septembre 1, 2009.

- HILMI, N., SAFA, A., RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, (2009, June), Les politiques économiques et financières de lutte contre le changement climatique: la nécessité d’une approche multidisciplinaire du développement durable, 5ème Colloque international sur “Energi

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . - HILMI, N., SAFA, A., RINALDI-LARRIBE, MJ, (2009, June), Les politiques économiques et financières de lutte contre le changement climatique: la nécessité d’une approche multidisciplinaire du développement durable, 5ème Colloque international sur “Energi. Abacus juin 15, 2009.

From Barcelona to the Mediterranean Union: recasting of the European Neighbourhood Policy?', Rabat, Morocco

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, Nathalie HILMI, Alain SAFA. From Barcelona to the Mediterranean Union: recasting of the European Neighbourhood Policy?', Rabat, Morocco. Proceedings janvier 1, 2008.

Liberalisation financiere et dynamisme financier et bancaire. Le cas de la Turquie

Nathalie HILMI, Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, Alain SAFA. Liberalisation financiere et dynamisme financier et bancaire. Le cas de la Turquie. Proceedings janvier 1, 2007.

Is China a market economy?

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . Is China a market economy?. Proceedings janvier 1, 2006.


-BOOK: "L'Elargissement de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Européenne à l'Est et l'Euro, Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, Série Le Monde en questions, Collection L’Esprit Economique, 2004.

Marie-José RINALDI-LARRIBE, . -BOOK: "L'Elargissement de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Européenne à l'Est et l'Euro, Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, Série Le Monde en questions, Collection L’Esprit Economique, 2004. . Abacus août 23, 2010.



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 2001

University of Nancy , Nancy , FRANCE, Economics, -PhD dissertation: “Des relations monétaires et financières entre les pays de la zone euro, autres pays européens et pays tiers” (Monetary and financial relations between countries from the euro area, other European countries and third countries). , Honours

Master of Science (MSc) 1989

Institut d'Etudes Politiques Sciences Po , Paris, FRANCE, Economics, International Economic Relations

Bachelor of Science (BSc) 1988

University Paris II Panthéon Assas, Paris, FRANCE, Economics, Honours


Director of the Master’s in International Business and Global Affairs

  • International University of Monaco (2009-2010)


  • International University of Monaco (2004-2010)
  • Teaching Activities at IUM, since September 2004: International Economics (at undergraduate and graduate levels) The European Union Economics and Politics (at undergraduate and graduate levels) Microeconomics, Financial Accounting (at UG level) Co


  • Independant (2001-2004)
  • Journalist for Economic and European topics, Les Affiches Moniteur and Petites Affiches des Alpes-Maritimes

Financial analyst

  • Banque Populaire de Lorraine (1994-1999)
  • In charge of financial and economic studies, at the Credit department (Head office) of the Bank; financial analysis, decision taking on financing demands coming from SMEs and industrial companies, with direct reporting to the management of the Bank; finan

Advisor - analyst

  • BRED Bank (1991-1994)
  • In charge of professional customers (companies, sole proprietors): Financial analysis, risk management, advising for business plans.

Advisor - analyst

  • BRED Bank (1989-1991)
  • In charge of private customers in a banking agency, Banque Régionale d'Escompte et de Dépôts BRED: Commercial relationships, investment advising, risk management, financing activities.




  • 2004 - 2010
  • European Economic Association European Association for Comparative Economic Studies International Atlantic Economic Society Euro Area Business Cycle Network University Association for Contemporary European Studies

